
Tuesday 11 November 2014

This Chinese Man Bought 99 iPhone 6s For The Lamest Proposal You've Ever Seen!......

Money can't buy you love, nor can 99 iPhone 6s! This harsh reality dawned on a young Chinese programmer from Guangzhou city who spent over $82,000 (or two years of his salary) to buy 99 iPhones which he arranged in a cheesy heart shape while confessing his love to a girl.
iPhone 6 proposal fail
But that didn't impress her much and she said NO. So the man will now have to depend on the soothing voice of Siri (replicated 99 times!) to mend his broken heart! 
marriage proposal fail
So today on Chinese "Single's Day" all he's left with are 99 phones which he hopefully can manage to sell, considering China is still crazy for the new iPhone. When these images were posted on Chinese social networking site Weibo, one user asked: "How many kidneys did it take to buy those phones?” referring to an incident where a Chinese man sold his own kidney for an iPhone.
Twitter had a pretty good laugh over the incident, with people quoting the famous Jay Z song '99 Problems'

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