Your selfie-clicking style says a lot about your personality

The selfie culture has given rise to a whole new way of presenting yourself on the Internet. From the gregarious group selfies and lovey-dovey couplies to belfies — short for butt selfies — and drunk selfies, anything goes in the narcissistic selfie subculture that thrives on visually documenting every aspect of your life, and giving strangers a peek into the bed and the bathroom (heard of bed and bathroom selfies?).
A couplie (couple selfie) is a good way of proclaiming your love for your partner. Relfie (relationship selfie) is the word to use if you both haven't tied the knot yet. Avoid the kissy-face couplies, though.
Friend selfie
Gatecrashed the party of the year with your friend (who happened to be invited)? It calls for a selfie with your buddy. People who have a fetish for friend selfies tend to be more social and like to share joyous moments.
Makeup selfie
This one's for the girls only — unless you enjoy a spot of cross-dressing. Makeup selfies serve up a valid reason for beauty-conscious girls to pout and preen in front of the camera (and mirror) at the same time!
Kim Kardashian and other famous bootylicious women folk started clicking belfies (pictures of their enviable buttocks) and opened up a Pandora's box of booty all over the Internet. Belfies scream 'Look at my body!' You consider yourself 'sexy' and don't mind flaunting your assets for others to drool or gawk at, admire, envy or lust after. Be prepared for comments of all manner before you post one.
Badass selfie
A penchant for clicking selfies with a devil-may-care attitude means, you are either a thug, a hip hop music fan (usually a Yo Yo Honey Singh wannabe!) or you love shiny chains, rapper attire and wear your baseball cap backwards.
Vacationing on an island and dying to brag about it to your friends before you return to home turf? Click a braggie (also called a holiday selfie) for instant envy from friends and colleagues. Braggie takers are show-offs who love the good life and make a big noise when they are having one.
No makeup selfie
No makeup selfies became such a rage this year, they inspired a campaign for a breast cancer charity. A self-portrait sans makeup reflects confidence and belief in one's natural good looks.
Filtered selfie
If you use filters before uploading every selfie to make your skin look smoother, your teeth whiter, your complexion fairer and your eyes bigger, you are vain to the point of being insecure about your appearance.
Goofy selfie
Can't keep a straight face in front of the phone cam? You have a wry sense of humour, like practical jokes, clowning around and are generally the life of a party.
Beach selfie
On a beach vacation, you think, 'I'm having such a great time... away from the chaos at work, disconnected from people. So, let me take a selfie,' you want to be the centre of attention even when you aren't around.
A love for usies (group selfies) implies that you are people-oriented. You are a team player and like to include those around in your bliss.
Gym selfie
Workout junkies are posting gym selfies to update friends about their progress in beefing up. The other desire is for members of the opposite sex to drool over their muscular body clad in skin-fitting exercise gear.
Headless selfie
'My face isn't looking so good today, so check out my awesome body since I don't mind being reduced to a body part,' is the clear signal you are sending out by uploading that headless selfie in your bathroom.
Tongue selfie
A tongue selfie is a shortcut to being spunky, defiant, stupid, fun... or a Miley Cyrus clone.
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